Attack on Suresh Raina Family

Attack on Suresh Raina Family
According to a detailed report in Dainik Jagran, "The incident took place on the evening of August 19 while the family was sitting on the roof of their house. Raina's father's sister Asha Devi was seriously injured in the attack. When her best Ashok Kumar (58 years) kicked the bucket. His teammates Kaushal Kumar (32) and Apin Kumar (24) also received serious injuries. "Attack on Suresh Raina Family

In that case, Suresh Raina has now left the IPL visit and returned to India. According to the official statement, Raina has chosen not to miss the thirteenth season of the IPL for some reason. Construction President KS Viswanathan has confirmed Raina's arrival in India.Attack on Suresh Raina Family

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Vishwanathan said, "Suresh Raina has returned to India for some reason and will not be available for the rest of the IPL season. Chennai Super's management will extend full support to Suresh and his family at this time." Police are currently investigating the situation. In any case, as indicated by the report, no evidence has been found in his hand so far. However, the pressure of the police investigation was extended after the discovery of the star's relationship with the family of the injured.Attack on Suresh Raina Family

Nine days later, on the evening of August 19-20, a contractor who was killed and robbed in the town of Tharial in Pathankot was the uncle of cricket player Suresh Raina. Raina's aunt and cousin are at a critical juncture in the attack. At the same time, a brother who was married to Fufa's mother returned.Attack on Suresh Raina Family

ADGP Peace had stated that there were 'black orders in question' behind the case. At the same time, the pressure of a police investigation was extended after the discovery of the star's relationship with the injured man's actor. On Saturday, Suresh Raina left the IPL visit and returned to India. The purpose of this is similarly stated.Attack on Suresh Raina Family

At the same time, it was discovered that Suresh Raina had left the IPL tour and returned to India. The purpose of this is stated. He has not been on the team all season. Chennai Super Lords extends full help to Suresh and her family right now. Raina's invisibility from the IPL is very difficult for the management of the Chennai Super Rule.

The resting family was attacked by unknown assailants in the Thariyal town of Madhopur in the Pathankot district. The family was the team of former Indian cricket aunt Suresh Raina. Suresh Raina's uncle was killed in the attack, and some relatives were seriously injured. It is reported that Raina's aunt's condition is critical. She is still at the clinic. At the same time, after discovering that the family was Raina's relative, after this, the police felt the pressure of the investigation, but so far the hands of the police in this case have not been fulfilled.Attack on Suresh Raina Family

The event of August 19th. The entire team of Ashok Kumar, a contractor by telephone, slept on the porch. The robbers broke into the house and attacked the family, who had disappeared from the roof. Relatives were unable to protect themselves from deep rest and sudden attacks. The burglars intensified the attacks on Tejadhar and Rodnuma weapons. The injured were taken to a regular emergency clinic. Suresh Raina's uncle and family head Ashok Kumar (58) were killed in the incident.Attack on Suresh Raina Family

Raina resigned from world cricket on August 15. Suresh Raina won 5615 runs in 226 ODIs with the help of five hundred years. He won 1,605 runs in T20 cricket for a century.Attack on Suresh Raina Family

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